
Bishop’s Clueless Murder Mystery Holiday Bash: January’s Party of the Month!

Every month, we highlight a mystery description and pictures that someone has emailed us for a FREE party!!! Here is another winner! Find out how to enter and win yourself here!

First and foremost, THANK YOU for writing such a fun script!  My husband has been dying to host a murder mystery party – so I decided to throw him one for his birthday!  I decided on A CLUELESS MURDER, and everyone had such an amazing time!!

I sent out formal invitations with everyone’s character assignments and everyone came dressed to KILL!  I was shocked at how into character everyone was!  Professor Periwinkle won best dressed – showing up in his best long-tailed coat and top hat.  Reverend Emerald came in 2nd place with his brocade emerald vest, bowler hat, and cross pendant.  Lots of gowns, large jewels, furs, and long gloves were amongst the ladies’ attire. I really wanted our home to feel like a millionaire’s house – so I laid out cash and diamonds throughout the house.  Mr Sapphire’s memorial table was decorated with a large urn – blue of course, as well as sapphire candles, a candelabra, cash, and diamonds.  I set up a bar with a champagne stand, dripping in diamonds, and made a “Professor’s Punch” cocktail.  Cocktail tables were set up throughout my house with mood lighting, cash, and diamonds as well.  I of course wanted the house to feel like a crime scene, too – so caution tape was on all the doors, and murder mystery props were scattered throughout the house.

Working on the menu was my favorite part.  As the chef for the night – literally and figuratively –  I / Chef Tangerine decided to serve numerous appetizers, making sure every character had their own themed food.  Colonel Copper’s Deviled Eggs, Pierre’s Pink Hummus, Bruschetta a la Burgundy, Croque “Monsieur” Sliders, Lady Lavender’s Lamb Wellington, Ms. Teal’s Thai Chicken Skewers, Tangerine’s Tarts, Reverend’s Winter Salad with “Holy” Mustard Vinaigrette, Antoinette’s Arancini, Madame Mauve’s Carrot Mousse, Scarlet Red’s Velvet Cupcakes, Ivory’s Panna Cotta, were some of the highlights!

I provided everyone with notebooks and pens – and reading the notes at the end of the night was hilarious!  As I was laying out the cash throughout the house, I was wondering if anyone would attempt to “steal” or “cheat” by taking this money – and Ms. Teal did!  We all laughed at how much money she ended the night with – including successfully taking Mr Ivory’s entire wad of cash right out of his pocket without him knowing it!  The entire time he thought he mistakenly gave someone his entire stash instead of a single bill the whole time.

Our neighbors were probably very confused with the caution tape mixed in with our Christmas lights – but we had such a great time!  Everyone left saying that they can’t wait to do another one.  About 60% of the guests guessed the correct murderer, so it was a great challenge!!  I can’t wait to host another Night of Mystery party!!

About 60% of the guests guessed the correct murderer, so it was a great challenge!!  I can't wait to host another Night of Mystery party!!

Thank you!!

Picture of Alana Bishop

Alana Bishop

January 2025 Party of the Month -

Each month we highlight one of our customers who has posted on our blog and award them a FREE party! To get your $5 coupon AND be entered in the Party Of the Month contest for a chance to win a FREE party, please email your pictures and party description to: nompartyofthemonth@gmail.com

Are You Up For The Challenge?