
It’s a Will Reading for the Rich and Greedy And YOU may be an heir to the estate.

Your presence is requested at Mystery Manor for an evening filled with murder and mystery in order to commemorate the death of the late millionaire, Rick A. Rochester.

Among Rick’s dying wishes, he wanted his will reading to be a party thrown in his honor to gather together those most important in his life. 

From his eccentric ex-wife to his interfering in-laws, his spying servants to the provocative pool boy,
it seems that everyone has a shot at a piece of his estate.

As one of Rick’s closest confidants or family members, it is your help that is needed to piece together the mystifying death of Mr. Rochester and to avoid being the victim of yet another murder in this millionaire murder mystery party as you attend his will reading.

Use caution in considering your involvement in this gathering, for as likely as it is that you will walk away with a great deal of inheritance, you are also just as likely not to walk out at all…

The Cast

*Note that the cast listed below is provided only to give an idea of the types of roles available in this millionaire murder mystery party, and not presented in any order relevant to the plot. 
Not all cast members are included in every version.

Jessica Rochester

Rick's Ex-Wife

A man-izing ex-wife and business partner of the late Rick Rochester. She has had her flings over the years, but can anyone ever really replace her first true love?

Jasmine Rochester

Rick's Widow

Rick's current wife and mother of his three children. Has she outgrown the "perfect" marriage with the "perfect" husband?

Allison Rochester

Rick's Eldest Daughter

She was daddy's little girl, but as she got older, she didn't always do as daddy would have liked.

Katherine Nichol-Rochester

Rick's Daughter

The oldest of the twins, she tried to gain daddy's attention and affection by marrying the perfect male heir.

Adam Nichol

Rick's Son-In-Law

Upon marriage, he was accepted into the family business and he has been moving up the ranks quickly ever since. Could he have wanted more from Rick Rochester than the marriage of his daughter?

Elizabeth Rochester

Rick's Daughter

The youngest of Rick's twin daughters, she has been stirring up family trouble since birth.

Faith Rochester

Rick's Sister

Geoffrey Worthers


Sam Cook


Jon Jacobs

Rick's Closest Friend

Bob Bucks

Rick's Accountant

Michael Rochester

Faith's Son and Rick's Only Nephew

Josephine Worthers


Fabio Fabulous

Pool Boy

Officer Welsch


Arty Buyer

Art Buyer

Jean Thoughtful

Family Psychologist

Neal Worthers

Lottery Winner

Reilly Ravish

Rick's Lawyer

Tanya Tease

Rick's Personal Assistant

Crime Scenes

A picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look at actual millionaire murder mystery party events hosted by our customers. 


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