
The Perfect Talk Like a Pirate Day P-arrrrrr-ty!!!

Arrrr- ye Mateys! Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day this year with the most memorable experience possible – by throwing a pirate murder mystery party!!! Not only will you have your guests talking like a pirate, but they won’t be able to STOP TALKING about how much fun ye mateys had at your party! Don’t believe that this could become THE party to throw? Here are a few reasons why this can’t be beat: Get excited for Halloween! With a month to go, this party is the perfect thing to get everyone in the mood for dressing up and acting spooky. (Talk like a pirate day is September 19th, so pick a date around then to celebrate!)   A time when people are less committed! With Halloween and the holidays right around the corner, the weekends just get busier. We’ve found September to be a perfect time to plan a party if you want to find a weekend that works for everyone!   Easy to shop for. With loads of Halloween decorations and costumes already out in the stores you, and your guests, will have no problem finding costumes, accessories, decorations (think skulls, chains, etc.)  all readily available at any Halloween superstore!   Your guests will delight in celebrating a holiday they (possibly) have never heard of! Not only will you be introducing them to the holiday, but Night of Mystery has everything to help you celebrate the holiday to the fullest. A pirate glossary, ground rules for talking like a pirate, a reason to be a pirate, etc. etc. You can find them all here. Not to mention, Night of Mystery includes plenty of decoration designs and ideas in your Murder Among The Mateys mystery packet when you order!   So stop wasting time and start planning for your pirate murder mystery party today!!! Downloading an invite and/or Save The Date. Click here. Once you have a solid rsvp count, order your party here! Need more information on the mystery itself, And, of course, don’t forget to find all ye party planning ideas on murderamongthemateys.com

So buckle yer swash and start planning yer perfect pirate mystery p-arrrrr-ty today!

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