Party of the Month: Trailer Park Tragedy (06/24)
Every month, we highlight a mystery description and pictures that someone has emailed us for a FREE party!!! Here is another winner! Find out how to enter and win yourself here!

Hi Night of Mystery
Hosted outdoors with appropriate decorations including a clothes line, kiddie pool wrestling pit, lawn chairs, coolers as chairs, and all the trashy WANTED signs we could imagine. The food consisted of pizza rolls, Twinkie birthday cake, pretzels dipped in chocolate to look like cigarettes, a sweet board of sugary items, capri sun, Mountain Dew, and to top it off, we had several Smirnoff to “ICE” our participants at random times.

Meghan Burns
Party of the Month 06/24
Each month we highlight one of our customers who has posted on our blog and award them a FREE party! To get your $5 coupon AND be entered in the Party Of the Month contest for a chance to win a FREE party, please email your pictures and party description to: