Party of the Month: Terror in Transylvania 11/22
Every month, we highlight a mystery description and pictures that someone has emailed us for a FREE party!!! Here is another winner! Find out how to enter and win yourself here!

We had an absolute BLAST! We chose to NOT know in advance who the murderer was nor who the victim was. The materials supplied were fantastic. We went to a local Kinkos to print. The only suggestion I would make is to subtly let the organizer know that Grimm…well Grim needs to be sober, and someone that can follow directions. (Our Grimm was a little tipsy, and we stepped in to help with his duties.) The original instructions, I read as”that Grimm would not need to be a central character” and the guidelines that were similar for Red, shadow, etc…That was super helpful to know as the organizer! I knew I had some guests that might get confused (aka too drunk) and I LOVED that you provided tips that certain characters would not be CRUICIAL….Just enough info for me as the planner…..without letting me guess the surprise outcome. Bravo! The wording for the ”investigator” was slightly confusing???? Perhaps offer an option when the Investigator Knows the answers and guides the party?
2 people guessed correctly out of 20! There were theories flying!! People used fake Dracula accents….Dr Jeckyll was charging for drinks, The Bride Of Frankenstein was stirring up drama! The wolf was an incorrigible flirt! It was so much fun! Some people were even stealing fake money from unsuspecting, careless people! They knew in advance a prize for most money would be awarded… Money grubbing, stealing, charging for services, bribing…abounded!! We spent two hours the first half…and about two hours the second half. Everyone loved winning their prizes!
I am attaching some photos. Dressing up was so much fun. We had a few substitutes the day of….and the entire party jumped in to create last minute looks for the three substitute people. That was a blast for ALL…the making of last minute costumes!!!!!
I would BEYOND recommend A Night of Mystery as the go to source for a Mystery Party!!!! We are buying many more parties from Night of Mystery!! For me personally, I would like to have the next party smaller (like 10-15 people) and one person that knows the solution. For this party I had 30 guests in total…but only 20 were characters. This worked out well because of three last minute cancellations.. And I think a smart, shy person would LOVE to know the answer before hand and help things stay on track, and be in a non-character role. So that is what I plan on doing for the next one!
A note for all with the vampire teeth. Four of us bought teeth from Amazon and Halloween stores….But they were way too big. Most of us ended up using melted candlewax from a tea candle. Looked great, was cheap. And stayed in!

We really and thoroughly enjoyed this!!!! I can’t wait for the next one!!!!

Diane Banhidi
Party of the Month - November 2022
Click here for more pictures from this and other Terror in Transylvania Night of Mystery Parties!
Each month we highlight one of our customers who has posted on our blog and award them a FREE party! To get your $5 coupon AND be entered in the Party Of the Month contest for a chance to win a FREE party, please email your pictures and party description to: